Call or e-mail us for all your Corvette or Chevy needs at sales-201306@TracyPerf.com. We sell used and rebuilt rear axles and components for 1955 to 1964 Chevrolets, (150 units in stock,) and 1956 to 1962 Corvettes in open and Positraction combinations. We also have most ratios of the 1963 to 1979 Corvette Independent Rear Suspension Iron Differential Units. Aluminum axles are in stock for the 1980 to 1982 Corvettes. Also available are the Dana 36 automatic and Dana 44 manual transmission rear axles for 1984 to present Corvettes. Correctly dated units for restoration are available if requested. Watch this space in the near future for a listing of dated units. Ring and pinion units are available for most vehicles, even if they are not Chevrolets. We also sell complete axle and suspension assemblies for most years as well as the individual components. You can also purchase transmissions and other stock and high performance drive train components from us. Also, see us for clutches including heavy duty L-88 and Dual Disc L-89 combinations. Call or e-mail for information on the specific components you need.
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